official site of Author, Composer, and Poet, David Robertson Miller
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Or, for those who prefer Snail Mail
(Why??? It' the 21st Century for God's sake!):
David R. Miller
c/o Island Time Books and Music
1606-B Ocean Blvd, Box 3184
Topsail Beach NC 28445
(I'm sure it'll get here eventually!)
Hey, I was sitting on Topsail Beach yesterday and you came by and handed me your card. Never had an author do that LOL! Anyway, glad you did. I downloaded Rogue and Other Stories last night and read about half. VERY good!! I love Pilgimage (crazy ending!!) and the Tetras. I want to meet some Tetras!
Thanks, labmama! If you're out there tomorrow, flag me down! I'd love to say hi. I'll check with Stephen and the other Tetras; they don't usually go for visitors, but you never know.
What is your novel going to be about? When will it be out?
Barry R
All I will say is speculative sci-fi. I'm still shooting for Oct 15. It's being edited now. Frustrating process!
I picked up your card at (store) and read through some of your blog and poem of the week stuff. your really good. Ordered island time for my mom because she likes poetry and stuff.
Thanks! Hope she enjoys it. (Also glad someone's finding those cards!)
Death song. peepholes in my skull. cool!
I like ur poems. I like the vidoes to, especially the fisherman one
Thanks Sue!
I just read "I Told You So" and got tears! I had a similar experience about five years ago. Thank God I failed too! Now I have a great husband and beautiful baby daughter. I printed the poem out and it's on my bulletin board at work. Whenever I start to get down I re-read it and feel better. Thank you so much. God bless you!
Thank you for sharing that. That is the sort of thing that makes all of this worthwhile. Your email made me so happy I'll even forgive you for being a Bears fan! lol
Wow! Interesting blog
Hey Bobby G
I have no problem with the criticism. There's room enough for all opinions and viewpoints. But I'm not going to edit. Send that again without the profanity and we'll include it in the discussion.
U make judas iscariot the hero?? thats weird!
Not a hero, Doug, just someone with an unpleasant and difficult role to play. It's just a speculation. The thing is that in order for the Christian passion story to have played out, there had to be a betrayer. If Christ had not been betrayed the rest of it could never have happened. Somebody had to be that guy!
Ashes on the dunes. You nailed it again!!! When is the new one coming out?
Welcome back, Tracy, and thanks as always. You might notice I changed the title. Not sure exacly when the new edition of Fragile Blessings is coming out. It still needs a lot of work. You're on the email list so you'll know
I’ve been following your wonderful blog, and just downloaded the Kindle edition of your book. I have thoroughly enjoyed both. I have actually been saying very much the same thing for a lot of years now, although perhaps from a more strictly Christian perspective. I’ve ordered several copies of the paperback to keep in my study as loaners.
Reverend Stephen Johns
Thank you, Rev. Johns. That means a lot.
I have been following ur blog for a while now because it was interesting. But I don’t like the way ur going now. God is the universe???? Im done with u!
Well, if you are done with me, I guess you won’t be here to read my rebuttal, but I guess that has never stopped me.
I’d say my beliefs are plausible. The idea has been around for a long time; it’s something like Pantheism and Panpsychism. But in the broader sense, I would simply like to demonstrate that there is no need for conflict, in any important way, between Science and Religion, or between the various Religions.
I have been following and enjoying your poems of the week. You seem to be sort of a throw-back style, and I mean that in a good way. A lot of the modern poets don't use form, rhyme, etc the way you do. I've ordered Island Time and I'm looking forward to that read. Is it available in Kindle format? Also, you say that Fragile Blessings is not available but I found it on Amazon. I'll probably get it after I finish IT. Is there going to be a "sequel?" When will that be?
Hi Tracy, welcome back. I guesss you could say my stuff is old school. I don't think I really intend it that way; it just sort of feels right. Island Time is not going to be available in Kindle. So much of poetry in about the appearancce on the page, and that doesn't really translate to e-book format.
As for Fragile Blessings, PLEASE don't order that! lol. I wish I could remove it from Amazon. I am working on a second edition, though I'm not really sure you'd call that a "sequel." LOL Hopefully it will turn out better,
sapare audi. You sound mad in that one. I dont have any sons. i hope my daughter doesnt get ruined though lol
Oh, Sarah, silly girl. I'm sure she's fine. lol
Just read your sarare poem. It’s really good. But I don’t know why you so pessimistic. Also in the terrorism part you almost make it sound like it’s the jews fault.
Thanks for your comments,Robin. I guess you could say I'm pessimistic about the government as it is, but I am hopeful that the corrupt system we are under right now will ultimately give way to something better. I guess that remains to be seen.
As for the other, remember that "Abram's seed" means Jews and Christians who are descentdants of Isaac, but also Muslims who are descendant of Abraham's other son, Ishmael. In other words, when it comes to the conflict between religions, while most of the recent terrorism is perpuated bu the Muslims, no one has a monopoly on blame.
yup, still here :) still love ur blog!
Thanks again, Sarah
Hey. I'm in my second year at Oklahoma. I have some friends who keep telling me that evolution is wrong and all that. I just read your blog about it and now I feel like I've got something to tell them that they are wrong. I just got the Kindle of your book and can't wait to get started reading it.
Hi Matt, thanks for writing. I appreciate what you are saying, but be careful about one thing. It is the premise of my book and the blog that I don't "scoff" at anyone's beliefs. I'm not saying one person is "wrong," I just think it's important to be open-minded to different possiblilities.
I dont know where u get a lot of your information. I was told that Moses wrote the frist 5 books. That's what I believe.
Thanks for writing, Ted.
Yes, it has been a long-held tradition that the first five books were written by Moses. The funny part to me is that nowhere in the Bible does in actually say that this is the case. Still, there are those that hold onto that notion. I wrote about all of this in the appendix of my book. If you want to do some more in depth study on the subject, I recommend Richard E. Friedman book, "Who Wrote the Bible."
Island Time came in and I just finisheed it today. Even better than FB! Got a kick out of the fisherman one. Love Anns pics too
Thanks. I'll pass that on to her.
like ur site!!!!
I just read Thou Shalt Not Skoff ebook. I really like a lot of things in there. I am an atheist and can't say you changed my mind though. still like the book
Thanks, Renee. I appreciate the comment. Like I said a couple of times in the book, I'm really about changing anybody's mind. All I hope is that anyone who reads the book will open their minds up a little and respect others' views.
Wow never thought about religion and science that way. love the title too.
I read "Fragile Blessings" a couple of years ago. I loved it!!!! Just ordered Island Time. if the poem of the day and your vids are an indication I'm looking forward to it
Just read Island Time. Loved it!!
Just read thou shalt not scoff on line. Wow! Great book don't necessarily agree with every point. But its it's really thought provoking. Loved it
David Robertson Miller publishes under the imprints of Bedford House Publications and Island Time Books.